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Resources from Pastor Jeff’s Sermon (The Word, 2 Timothy 3:14-17)


I’ve opened up the Bible. Now what?


  1. Bible Study (Join a fellowship or small group) | To remain in the Word together.

  2. Bible Reading Plans | To know what to read and when to read it.

  3. Book Summaries | To know where to start.​​


Reading is difficult. What else you got?


  1. Audio Bibles (Dwell, Bible Gateway) | To literally hear God’s Word.

  2. Bible Highlighting | To slow yourself down as you read God’s Word.

  3. ​Protestant Prayer Beads | To pray Scripture and fill your mind with God’s Word.

  4. Pick a Time and Place | To be consistent in being fed by God’s Word.


Do you prefer Manna in the Morning?

Or Bread before Bed?

Don’t be a No Carb Christian.


I don’t just want to read. What do I believe?


  1. New Morning Mercies | To see how the gospel transforms your life.

  2. New City Catechism Book/App/Songs | To know and articulate what you believe.

  3. Tiny Theologians | To disciple the youngest members of God’s household.



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