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Old Testament Daily Bible Reading by Chuck Lowe

We want to hear God speak to us. Which is fitting, because God wants to speak to us. In fact, he has spoken to us. 

The challenge is to understand what he is saying, since he speaks to us primarily through what he said millennia ago, within other cultures, using diverse literary genre. Through his Spirit, God implants within us the desire to read the Bible. Yet it can get discouraging when we do not readily understand what we read. So these daily readings take bite-sized portions of Scripture, explain what they meant originally, and explore what they mean today. 

Who is Chuck Lowe? 

After sixteen years as a seminary professor in Singapore, Chuck Lowe (with his wife Irene) served as pastor at CrossBridge from 2000-2016.  He now spends his days as a beach bum in Florida, slathered in SPF50, growing a scraggly beard, sipping virgin margaritas, and fishing for tarpon. 

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