Safety Deacon
Julie Fu was born and raised in Seattle WA and she grew up in a Christian home and attended Evangelical Chinese Church (ECC) in Seattle, WA since she was born. She accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior early in her life after recognizing her own need for God and her individual relationship with Him. She continued to serve regularly in her church as a Sunday school teacher, camp counselor, serving in children and youth ministries, choir, as a pianist for services and weddings, and in leadership and teaching as a core leader for their college fellowship and post college/graduate young adult fellowship group. Julie also participated regularly in summer inner city missions and on a short-term missions trip to Cambodia.
She moved to Boston for education first in 2003 and then again in 2006 and she has stayed at Crossbridge since.
Julie currently works as a medical physician specializing in hematology and oncology. At Crossbridge she has helped with the Afghan Neighbor Ministry (ANM) and “church update” projects such as the Welcome Center, nursing mother’s room and “fishbowl” room. Julie currently serves as one of the small group leaders for a home group and a Sunday service presider. She is married to Howard, and they have three energetic young children: Samantha, Kylie and Jackson.