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Pastoral staff - Jeff Hwang-min.png



Brother Zongkui Joe Ma joined CBCGB in April, 2000, the start of his journey knowing and following Jesus Christ. He accepted the Lord as his personal savior the next year, and was baptized at CBCGB in August, 2003.

Since then, he has served in many areas and roles, such as Children Sunday School teacher (2003 to 2012), CM Welcome Desk receptionist (2011 to 2013), church van driver (2013 to 2016), and YPA treasurer (2013 to 2016). He was coordinator of the Berea Fellowship in 2012, 2015, and partially 2016. He was a member of the deacon board from 2017 to 2020. Joe is a software engineer. His wife Yuhong, son Siyuan, and daughter Lucy were all baptized at CBCGB.

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